Varieties & Characteristics of Olive Trees in Lesvos


There are 3 varieties of olive tree that may be encountered on Lesvos and are determined by the tree bark, foliage and fruit. These three varieties endow the olive oil of Lesvos with the unique colours and aromas that have made it one of the most popular products of the Greek land and have earned it its international renown.

With its supreme quality and distinctive flavour, the olive oil of Lesvos is a choice product that results from a unique combination of natural elements. The soil here is one in which the olive trees of Lesvos may flourish, and the blessed climate of the Mediterranean assists in the maturation of the olive fruit.

The identity of Lesbian olive oil relies on three different characteristics for its uniqueness:

  1. Its light texture and low acidity, the latter of which is a result of an increased amount of unsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Its golden-yellow colour, which results from the low chlorophyll content of the oil.
  3. Its characteristic rich aroma, developed from the presence of polyphenols.
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